Matthias Staengel
Can I load a Lidar point cloud into eCognition?
Yes! We support all point clouds (PCs) in *.las or *.laz format. eCognition does not care about the origin of the point cloud, so it can be acquired by a terrestrial system, aerial, photogrammetry etc..
We have a lot of dedicated tools for PC processing such as:
- automatic point cloud classification
- rasterize point cloud
- create temporary point cloud
- compute statistical value from point cloud
- assign class to point cloud
- cluster analysis of point cloud
- remove points from point cloud
- transfer point cloud classification
- export line from point cloud
- export point cloud
- and more...
You also can crate point clouds based on object values within eCognition, display PCs in 3D, reclassify PCs based on your object classification and more!
Interesting related content:
- Tutorials: Tutorial - Working With LiDAR (point cloud) Files
- Project & Rule Set Examples: DTM Modelling of Open-pit Mines
- Project & Rule Set Examples: Tree Crown Delineation
- Webinar: Timber Cruising with eCognition
- eCognition Deconstructed video: Rasterize Point Cloud
- eCognition Deconstructed video: NDSM Layer Calculation
- eCognition Deconstructed video: Fill Pixel Values
- eCognition Deconstructed: Watershed Segmentation
- Brainwave: Calculating the nDSM
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- Can I load a Lidar point cloud into eCognition?
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Dear Matthias,
I am quite new to using Ecognition developer, so I followed your great tutorials to learn some basic steps for processing point clouds. However, I am struggling with a trouble regarding point cloud rasterization.
I see in the tutorials that you use Lidar point cloud, I would like to use photogrammetry-based point clouds that, despite the high point density, have more simple information stored (no intensity, no return number, no scan angle, etc.) compared to a Lidar point cloud. Of course, I am aware that since the intensity field is missing, the default rasterization accessible via the "view settings" panel led to a void output. However, I am interested in rasterizing Z values for producing a 2D DSM layer. In particular, I have a point cloud in .las format derived by Structure from Motion photogrammetry of the seabed, so height values are negative depth values. In addition, I also have an RGB orthoimage (8-bit unsigned) in which the background is represented by black pixels (0,0,0).
I have no problem uploading and visualizing such a point cloud and the orthophoto. However, my problem is related to the output after running the "rasterize point cloud tool". In fact, even if the tool works great, I always obtain a white frame with zero values around my point cloud that seems related to interpolation carried out outside the area covered by points. I tried to change "no data" values from the layers setting into the "modify project panel" but I always get the same white background that blocks my further processing based on the segmentation algorithm.
Do you have some advice or workaround to solve this problem?
Many thanks for your help and support.
Best regards,