In order to use the eCognition Server engine you can use it either via the local server in your Developer or you can install the eCognition Server engine with the new Docker container which makes the usage pretty easy as you do not have to configure or install the GRID software anymore.

In order to use Docker container system the AWS needs to be pre-configured. You can follow this guide.

Once Docker is installed, you need to add the eCognition GRID and Jobscheduler container via Windows Powershell:

For the eCognition GRID engine:

docker pull ecognition/win_es:nightly

For the eCognition Jobscheduler

docker pull ecognition/win_js:nightly

After you pulled the containers from the eCognition Docker repository, the last step is to run the containers:

Run Jobschudeler container:

docker run --rm -d --name ecog_win_js -p 8184:8184/tcp -e LM_LICENSE_FILE=@myLicenseIP -m 8g --cpus=2 ecognition/win_js:nightly

For the above example, please replace <myLicenseIP> with the license server IP-address. If the license server is on the same machine you can use or localhost.

Run GRID container:

docker run --rm -d --name ecog_win_es -e JOB_SCHEDULER= -e LM_LICENSE_FILE=@myLicenseIP -m 8g --cpus=2 ecognition/win_es:nightly

For the above example, please replace <myLicenseIP> with the license server IP-address. If the license server is on the same machine you can use or localhost.

Afterwards you can send jobs from your Developer to the GRID engines in Docker.


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