Store Domain Values in Variables
Normally, variables in eCognition are used to flexibly prepare rule sets for different conditions. For example, rule set developers allow users to set the input layers, input classes, input objects, input level, output layers, output classes, output levels and/or parameters of the algorithms used in the rule set. All good so far, because these specifications can be defined via variables/arrays and used in the rule set as process domain items or as algorithm parameters.
But there is a special case, if the specifications are not defined as input parameters via variables/arrays. In this case the rule set itself must find out which specifications were defined. For example, this may be necessary for Customized Algorithms: Rule set developer have here sometimes the challenge to use an item of the calling domain from the customized algorithm as parameter for selected algorithms, for instance to merge each class of the calling domain separately. The good news is that this is rarely necessary and that eCognition offer the flexibility to manage it.
With this example project you can learn how to store domain values like level name, class name(s), and/or map name in variables or arrays. "You will like this rule set example as soon as you need it" says Christian Weise who created this learning rule set / project.
Download 'Example Project - Store Domain Values in Variables'
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