
Trees and encroaching vegetation together with wind, storms, snow, etc. are common reasons for electric supply interruptions in overhead networks. Powerline corridors are often in areas not easily accessible and therefore not easy to survey. Objects near or in powerline corridors can be easily detected from image data (based on airborne or drone systems) together with elevation data (derived from LiDAR or Photogrammetry) using eCognition.

This project from Christian Weise demonstrates eCognition in 'Clearance Mapping around Powerlines'. Users will learn how to fuse spectral information (i.e. for segmentation) with 2.5D elevation information (i.e. for classification) with context information (i.e. distance to powerline) in a mapping process.

Important algorithms used in this project:

  • vector buffering/shrinking
  • vector dissolve
  • vector-based segmentation
  • NDSM layer calculation
  • index layer calculation
  • pixel-based object resizing
  • multi-threshold segmentation

Download 'Example Project - Clearance Mapping around Powerlines'


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