Random trees out of box error?
Is there a way to see the out of bag (previously said "out of box") error rate for a Random trees supervised classification model?
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Is there a way to see the out of bag (previously said "out of box") error rate for a Random trees supervised classification model?
Hi Kristi,
Yes, you may get the out-of-box error rate from the "Query" function of the supervised classification algorithm.
You may refer to this section of the reference book for more info: https://docs.ecognition.com/v10.3.0/#eCognition_documentation/Reference%20Book/02%20Algorithms%20and%20Processes/3%20Classification%20Algorithms/Supervised%20Classification%20('Classifier').htm?Highlight=supervised%20classification
Hope this helps!
best regards,
Hi Mike, I don't see a query for the error rate. When I tried "Forest accuracy", I always get 0.01 for different models.