Hi all,


Quick question, where did the fill pixel values algorithm go? When the students load old rulesets it gets removed. They are reporting no alternative. Any alternative or ?

Happy holiday to all! :)))



  • Michael Wang

    Hi Ivan,

    The issue will be fixed in the 10.3.1 maintenance release coming 22.02.2023.

    We apologize for the error, and hope you will try out the patch.


  • Trimble Support

    Hi Ivan,

    The 'fill pixel value' algorithm is still available in eCognition 10.3 and can be added to the process tree.
    Could you please contact our support and send us the sample data to reproduce the issue?

    Happy New Year!


  • Ivan Tomljenović

    I tried looking for it in the algorithms list but I can't find it. This is the trial version of eCog 10.3
    When I load my rule set from before, the algorithm gets deleted from the rule set.
    But the documentation in the offline help still contains description of the algorithm and all.

    Best regards and a Happy New Year! :)
  • Trimble Support

    Hi Ivan,

    This issue occurs only in the trial version, we will take a look at it!
    Thank you for letting us know!


  • Ivan Tomljenović

    Thank you! 

    Will try and see! :)


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