I've come across eCognition tutorials (e.g. Tutorial 8 — Working with Point Clouds in eCognition).  I think I would find these very helpful but the links to where the practice data are saved are not longer active.  Any idea if this downloadable practice data is still available elsewhere?    Thanks.


  • Matthias Staengel


    Good point! Here you will find some of the updated Tutorials --> https://support.ecognition.com/hc/en-us/sections/360004545560-Tutorials

    Regarding having the Tutorials in form of videos is actually planned, and there will be the first one uploaded soon! The Idea is to have most of the "old" Tutorials in some form of updated learning material in our knowledge-base soon!

    Besides the tutorials and videos, please also see our rule-set and project examples. I find those highly valuable! --> https://support.ecognition.com/hc/en-us/sections/360004538160-Project-Rule-Set-Examples

  • Khrystyna Bezborodova

    Hello James,

    We are currently working on Tutorials and soon they will be available!


  • Surjanacn

    I agree with James Leslie. There are tons of useful information and guides with broken links. I am glad that eCognition team is picking up the pace with eCognition TV, and it would be nice to see those tutorials in the form of videos, but bringing back the links would suffice as well.

  • Surjanacn

    Thank you.

  • Felix Bachmann

    Hi Matthias,

    are there any other tutorials? For example, I can't find the data/ruelset for the Tutorial 8 — Working with Point Clouds in eCognition.

    This Link -->  https://support.ecognition.com/hc/en-us/sections/360004545560-Tutorials

    offers a few tutorials, but not what I was looking for.



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